Bandage Care

Bandages and Splints require special care to keep them effective and comfortable for your pet.  A bandage should be changed every 2-3 days and a splint every 7 days to prevent pressure sores and secondary infection from forming.


Keep bandage dry and clean, if the bandage gets wet at all it needs to be changed that day due to risk of infection.  Please contact us immediately for a bandage change at (713) 461-3111.

  1. Monitor any toes that are visible through the bandage.  Ensure they are not turning dark in color or cold which would be signs of poor circulation. If the toes become swollen it indicates that the bandage is too tight and needs to be changed immediately.
  2. Please cover the bandage with the bag that was provided or something waterproof only when going outside.
  3. To prevent a paw bandage from getting wet during brief outside activities such as using the restroom, it is advised for owners to take a slightly thick material plastic bag and secure it over the bandaged area as a means of temporary protection from liquids. Please refrain from tying the bag too tight as it can cause lack of blood circulation. Please remove it immediately after the event.
  4. An E-collar may be needed if your pet is trying to bite at and nip the bandage off.

We do not recommend bandaging or rebandaging at home due to risk of it being too tight and causing further injury to the affected area.

WE HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND ATTEMPTING TO SPLINT OR RESPLINT AT HOME!!! X-Rays are ALWAYS REQUIRED prior for your doctor to place a splint! X-Rays are also ALWAYS REQUIRED after your doctor places the splint!

It is necessary to use an X-Ray to confirm the correct position of the bone both pre and post splinting. Failure to do so can result in permeant damage if the bone heals in an improper position.